This is Wyatt...
...he lives next door--his yard is separated from ours by an 8 foot concrete block fence. Leaning against the fence is a plywood board which extends up another 2 feet and is covered by vines. The last two mornings, Wyatt has come over for a visit. We've seen him scale the fence during the summer when we get loud in the pool. It is truly amazing. Both mornings this week I brought him back to his house (he is as sweet and happy and compliant as can be!) put him back in his yard and shut the fence. This morning it occurred to me that we will be gone for a few days and I should notify our nice neighbors of his recent propensity to visit. Turns out they had let him out to pee at 3 am and Robyn, Todd and their two teenage kids spent the next few hours scouring Carlsbad and its beaches for him!
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