The swarm....
So C was coming home from surfing on Saturday and notices a swarm of thousands of bees around the tree in our front yard. It is possible that they are Africanized bee's (Killer Bee's) but not super likely. I found this info on Wikepedia:
When honey bees swarm from the hive they do not fly far at first. They may gather in a tree or on a branch only a few meters from the hive. There, they cluster about the queen and send scout bees out to find a final location. The swarm may fly for a kilometer or more to the scouted out location.
We are going to give them another day or two to move on before requesting that the HOA gardener "take care of" the honey bees that have gathered in our tree. Bee's provide such a valuable service, I hate to kill them but NIMBY--not in my back yard, or front yard as it were.
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