Memorial Day...
We've had a great weekend! Went to a mojito fest yesterday at a Filipina friends house and had various meats on a stick, egg rolls, salads --I brought a fresh corn pudding which was awesome (recipe in this month's Sunset magazine) if I do say so myself. I had a "no-hito" which is a mojito without rum-surprisingly good! They also had home made root beer (5 lbs of brown sugar in 5 gallons!!!) and home made chocolate beer which I accidently took a sip of thinking it was root beer--yummy!
We had dinner with the neighbors Z and L. They have a 20 month old little girl and a boy due 5 weeks after me. We had tri tip and a great time over there.
Today is the six year anniversary of my Dad's death. He died on Memorial Day which was fitting since he fought in World War II and is interred at Arlington National Cemetery. My mom and sisters visited yesterday. I'm a little sad today that he won't know his new grand daughter...
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