It's the end of the world as WE know it....

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Greetings from rainy San Diego!

We had rain for the second time this year today. It figures because dh's dad is in town for a work meeting and we're going out to dinner tonight. I hear he likes cherry pie so I got him one for his birthday which was last week. Dh hates fruit pies so I got him a slice of Butterfinger pie.

I was at the mall a couple of towns away with two friends this am and ran into my sister's college room-mates husband!! Funny running into people from VA in San Diego. He comes out every month for work so hopefully he'll come over for dinner one of these times.

Nothing new going case you missed it we are having a GIRL!

Sunday, January 28, 2007

We're having a ....


We're having a girl and we are so excited! There is no doubt since we ended up getting an amnio at our 19 week appointment. We'll keep you posted and post updates of the nursery.

Sunday, January 21, 2007

boy or girl? Vote in the comment section!

We find out on Wed at 2:30 PST. Cannot WAIT. C and I are pretty excited. We'd be thrilled with either of course but it will be so exciting to know...Going back to VA (C corrects me when I say "home"... since this is now home) the weekend of Feb 23/24. Excited to see everyone.

Here is picture of the crib we choose. We're going to get the dresser but our changing table will be open--no drawers unlike the picture. We're planning to paint the nursery..aquamarine or "sea" green/blue. Have found some really cute borders but we are going to wait for the sex of the baby to determine what we get...C may also get creative and do some stenciling...

Thursday, January 11, 2007

Sisters coming into town!!

My preggo sister from VA is coming tomorrow am (they're adding another boy to the two they have already =) and my sister J is coming on Sat am from Aptos. We're gearing up for a great albeit COLD weekend!! Wouldn't you know it, as soon as we have visitors our perfect SD weather goes away...Still, lows in the 30's and highs in the mid 50's is still better than DC this time of year, right? We'll just hang out by the fire.

C and I were gifted with a number of baby supplies thanks to our friends in Redlands and SEH. Thanks L and L! C and I are battling it out over cribs. How 'bout some feed back on which ones you all like? I'll post a few pictures...