It's the end of the world as WE know it....

Friday, April 20, 2007

We're having a HUGE baby....

So C and I went to the ob earlier in the week for an u/s. Baby S is HUGE! She's measuring 2-4 weeks ahead of schedule (head, torso, legs) and the ob wanted to make sure we are on board with a c-section, if she continues to grow at this rate =) Uh, yeah!

Having a little trouble getting comfortable and sleeping these days but can't complain...only a few weeks now.

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Update on Gigantic Baby S

I didn't gain any weight in the past 4 weeks-which was shocking to me but ob thinks is just fine. I think its because C and I have been swimming twice a week, plus its hard to fit food in my stomach at this point. I get full pretty quickly. I'm still measuring 3 weeks ahead (!) in fundal height (measurement between pubis bone and top of uterus) and they want to do an ultra sound on Monday to see just how big she really is...

RIP Bee's

I spent the morning figuring out what to do with the bee situation. We contacted a bee keeper two weeks ago via email. She said the bees were probably just visiting, they rarely hive in trees and to leave them alone. In all likelihood they'd bee gone within a few days...HA! Last week we noticed them building a hive in the tree. By today it was about twice the size of my head!! Apparently bees can make 1/2 to 1 lb of honeycomb per day and increase the size of the hive to 60,000 bees fairly rapidly. We contacted our homeowners association (they are responsible for our front yard) and after a few hours of debate between the board and the property management company, they agreed to "take care of the hive". We have a fair number of young children in our neighborhood and a swarm that size could do serious damage if disturbed.

We were hoping that this would mean stunning and relocating the hive but apparently the location, cost and liability issues precluded this option and instead the HOA contracted an exterminator for $150.00. Within 20 minutes the dude killed the bees and cut down the branches the hive was on. I am sad about this, I hated to see them exterminated.

Sunday, April 08, 2007

Shower pictures...

Finally posting some pictures from the Feb shower. mrs j, c, s and mom, the spread, my favorite cake, opening gifts